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I'm a freakin' dad!!

Check it out yous guys, this is my baby! The small one, not the big one. The big one is my partner Katie who is the strongest person I know.

A picture of Katie kissing our new behbeh

Following induced labour due to concerns about his small size, our baby boy was born on 6th Feb at 02:07am. He weighed 5lb 3oz (2.4kg). We were kept in hospital until Sunday 9th Feb so they could monitor his condition and make sure Katie was recovering well. After a bit of treatment for jaundice, everyone was deemed healthy and happy and we went home.

The following two weeks has been like one never ending day with insufficient naps sprinkled throughout! We are both very tired but very happy, and we find ourselves inhabiting a magical dimension made of 99.9% snuggle, 0.1% sleep (for Katie and me anyway!)

We don’t know our new lil buddy’s name yet (nickname “Lil P”), but we’re enjoying getting to know him :)

15th February 2020

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Simon Panrucker playing a blue recorder